Board of Review- Organizational Meeting

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - 9:00am

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 – 9:00 a.m. (Organizational Meeting)
o  Hillsdale City Charter Sec 9.7:  The Board of Review shall convene in its first
session on the Tuesday next following the first Monday in March of each year at
such time of day and place as shall be designated by the Council. It shall remain
in session during that day and the day following, if necessary…
o  MCL 211.29 
(1) On the Tuesday immediately following the first Monday in March, the board
of review of each township shall meet at the office of the supervisor…
(2) During that day, and the day following, if necessary…



Location:  2nd Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 97 N Broad St, Hillsdale MI  49242