City Council - Public Hearing
Calendar Date:
Please take notice that certain improvements have been deemed necessary by the Hillsdale City Council, and that partial cost will be borne by special assessment. On file with the City Clerk’s office for public inspection are the plans and specifications, costs of improvements and proposed assessments for the Uran Street Special Assessment District (SAD #2022-05).
The total estimated cost of the project is $320,000 with $284,300 being paid by the City and $35,700 being assessed to property owners.
Please take notice that certain improvements have been deemed necessary by the Hillsdale City Council, and that partial cost will be borne by special assessment. On file with the City Clerk’s office for public inspection are the plans and specifications, costs of improvements and proposed assessments for the Morry Street, East & West Lynwood Boulevard and the South Howell Street area Special Assessment District (SAD #2022-06).
The total estimated cost of the Morry Street project is $230,000 with $212,800 being paid by the City and $17,200 being assessed to property owners.
The total estimated cost of the E & W Lynwood Boulevard project is $390,000 with $226,850 being paid by the City and $163,150 being assessed to property owners.
The total estimated cost of the South Howell Street project is $460,000 with $363,050 being paid by the City and $96,950 being assessed to property owners.
Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Hillsdale will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, February 21, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. to review said assessments, at which time and place, opportunity will be given to all persons interested to be heard. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 97 North Broad Street., Hillsdale, MI.