City Council - Public Hearing

Calendar Date:
Monday, October 3, 2022 - 7:00pm

Please take notice that certain improvements have been deemed necessary by the Hillsdale City Council, and that partial cost will be borne by special assessment. On file with the City Clerk’s office for public inspection are the plans and specifications, costs of improvements and proposed assessments for the Westwood Area Special Assessment District (SAD #2023-07). The estimated cost for the overall construction project is $5,852,465. The Special Assessment portion of this work, street reconstruction and storm sewer, is estimated to be $2,681,664.  City funds will cover an estimated amount of $2,265,914 (84%) of eligible project costs with approximately $415,750 (16%) being  covered  through  the  special  assessment  to  property  owners,  there  are  88  parcels  currently associated with this SAD.  The project cost split is in accordance with the City’s Policy on Special Assessment  Districts  for  Street  Projects  presented  to  the  City  Council  on  February  1,  2021.    It  is important to note that the total assessed cost to the affected property owners will not go above the policy maximum assessment limit of $5,000 per parcel or 25% of the property value per Hillsdale Ordinance Chapter 2, Article V, Section 2-335, whichever is the lesser amount.

According to the City Charter, Sec. 2-335 Hearing procedure, “If more than 50% of the number of owners of privately owned real property to be assessed for such improvement shall object in writing to the proposed improvement, the improvement shall not be made without the affirmative vote of seven of the members of the council.”

Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Hillsdale will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, October 3, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. during their regular meeting to review said assessment, at which time and place, opportunity will be given to all persons interested to be heard. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 97 North Broad Street., Hillsdale, MI.