Morry Street, East & West Lynwood Boulevard, and South Howell Street Area Construction Update - 7/28/22
As work continues on the City's Special Assessment District 22-06 (Morry Street, East & West Lynwood Boulevard, and South Howell Street area) Street Improvement Project, we want to share an update with our community to let residents know what to expect in the coming days and weeks as this project moves into its next phase.
Beginning next Thursday, Aug. 4, RJT Construction will start replacing known galvanized iron and lead water service lines at several of the homes and businesses within the project area. The owners/occupants of properties that require this work have already received notice from the City, and City staff are currently in the process of contacting these individuals to schedule that work.
Also beginning next week, K&H Saw will be sawcutting the pavement in preparation of lead-line replacement.
City crews from the Department of Public Services will also be working on S. Howell St., Morry St., and E. & W. Lynwood Blvd. for repairs of storm water catch basins.
Please Note: Vehicular traffic will be temporarily reduced to one lane in locations where these crews are working. As always, please slow down and use caution when driving in/around construction zones.
Starting Monday, Aug. 8, Nashville Construction & Paving will begin constructing a storm water catch basin at the southwest corner of Morry Street and S. Howell Street, which, when finished, will help improve storm water runoff issues in this area.
Once all of the water service line replacements have been completed, and new storm water control infrastructure installed, the road reconstruction portion of the project will commence.
This will involve milling and resurfacing the following streets:
- Morry Street from S. Howell Street to Walnut Street
- E. & W. Lynwood Boulevard from Reading Avenue to S. Howell Street
- S. Howell Street from Hallett Street to the southern city limits
These areas will be posted “Closed to Thru Traffic” and there may be times when the intersection of Morry Street and S. Howell Street will be completely closed to all traffic for construction of new storm water piping.
All traffic should follow the posted detour routes.
It is anticipated that this project will be completed by the beginning of November.
Weather greatly impacts construction projects and can change plans at a moment’s notice. We understand these construction projects can be frustrating and ask that you be tolerant of the workers during this time. The laborers do not set schedules and they are trying to complete their work in a timely and expedient manner.
Questions about this project can be directed to the City Engineer at (517) 437-6479.