Bid Opportunity: Crushing and Screening Concrete

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Thursday, March 20, 2025 - 2:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 

The City of Hillsdale and the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) is requesting proposals for the
following project(s):
Crushing and screening accumulated concrete rubble to MDOT 21AA gradation and asphalt
debris to fine millings.
All work shall be in accordance with the project drawings, project specifications and any applicable
sections of the 2020 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction.

RFP due date/ Public Opening:
Sealed proposals are due by 2:00 pm (local time) on March 20, 2025 at the following location:
Hillsdale City Hall
Office of the City Clerk
97 N. Broad Street
Hillsdale, MI 49242

Project Locations:
City of Hillsdale – Department of Public Services – 149 Waterworks Ave.

Scope of Work:
Crushing and screening of an estimated 5,500 TONS of accumulated concrete rubble to a MDOT
21AA gradation for use as road base material and 3,300 TONS of accumulated asphalt debris.
Costs of any additional materials needed to achieve proper 21AA gradation shall be included in
the costs of material crushing. All rubble and finished products along with reinforcing steel and
any other by-products are at all times the property and responsibility of the City of Hillsdale.

Instructions to proposers:
*Proposals must be typewritten or clearly printed in ink and signed by a duly authorized
representative of the firm submitting the proposal.
*Proposals must be submitted in sealed envelopes, clearly marked on the outside, “2025
Concrete and Asphalt Crushing – City of Hillsdale”
*Proposals will be received by the City Clerk, City Hall, 97 N. Broad Street, Hillsdale,
Michigan 49242, at the above required time. All proposals will be date stamped and time
marked upon receipt. Proposals may not be faxed or e-mailed.

Communications regarding this proposal may be directed to:
Jason Blake
Director of Public Services
City of Hillsdale
Hillsdale, MI 49242