Spring 2025 Residential Brush Collection
The City of Hillsdale Department of Public Services will provide a onetime curbside residential collection of brush in spring 2025. This service is offered to city residents only.
Residents are reminded of the following collection requirements:
Spring brush collection will begin at 7:00 a.m. Monday, April 7, 2025. Crews cannot return to pick up material set out late, therefore, it is very important to have material placed out at the curb prior to this date and time.
- Brush is defined as any large enough woody material that would be chipped.
- Limbs less than eight feet (8') in length and up to eight inches (8") in diameter will be collected.
- Material needs to be placed at the curb with the cut end facing the street.
- No stumps, large tree trunks, or stones will be picked up.
When placing brush at the curb, take care to keep brush piles away from all utility poles, telephone service pedestals, water shut-off valves, fire hydrants, etc. Do not place material in the street or on the sidewalk. This causes additional clean-up problems on the street surface, in the storm sewers, and it may also obstruct visibility or cause traffic flow problems.
This collection is intended for residential scale only, not for commercial properties or those clearing vacant or overgrown land. No brush originating from outside of the City of Hillsdale is allowed to be placed at the curb.
The City of Hillsdale will open the Brush Drop-off Site at 149 Waterworks Avenue for city residents to drop off brush beginning April 1, 2025. Hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Closed Saturday and Sunday. No dumping is permitted after hours.
Leaf Collection: There is no spring leaf collection scheduled for 2025. Contact the Department of Public Services for information on additional options to help take care of your yard debris this spring.
Questions regarding the residential brush collection program should be directed to the Department of Public Services by phone at 517-437-6490 or email at publicservices@cityofhillsdale.org.