Request for Bid- BPU Water Treatment Plant HVAC Upgrades
The City of Hillsdale is seeking bid proposals from qualified contractors to upgrade the existing HVAC systems serving the lower level and main level of the Hillsdale Waste Water Treatment Plant on Galloway Drive. One prime contract will be awarded for the completion of the project work. The project will include the demolition of two existing air handling units, associated piping, electrical and ductwork as well as the acoustical tile ceiling and lights. The new work will consists of installing 2 ground mount HVAC units to serve the main and lower levels of the plant, as well as one ground mount HVAC unit to serve the main floor lab and office areas.The work will also include the installation of a new ceiling grid and acoustical tile and LED lighting fixtures.
Proposals may be mailed or delivered in person to the City of Hillsdale, City Clerk’s Office,
97 N. Broadway St., Hillsdale, Michigan 49242. Proposals must be received prior to 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, May, 31, 2019, at which time Proposals will be opened publicly and read aloud. All bids will be evaluated after the bid opening. All bids received after the bid receipt deadline will be returned unopened. Facsimile or electronic submission of bids will not be accepted.
Questions can be directed to: Bill Briggs (517) 437-6412
For more information please visit the MITN website